CFE COnversion

Client: CFE Federal Credit Union

When CFE Federal Credit Union was getting ready to go through an entire system conversion, an internal campaign was created to make the transition as fluid as possible among the staff.

The theme “Heading Home” was implemented and meant to be that the credit union was “packing up” and moving to a new “home” once the system conversion was completed.

The training department became “Train Terminals” and each staff member was given a compass to keep at their desk as a reminder that we are heading in a new direction together. As staff completed their training, they signed a framed quote with their name and hometown. 

After months of training for the conversion, an external campaign was created to alert members of the changes that would be occurring to their accounts.

Every credit union member received a letter, postcard and booklet describing in detail each change that would occur with the new system.

The conversion transitioned smoothly for both staff and members.


AWARD: 2015 Credit Union National Association (CUNA) Diamond Award Category Best - Conversion Communications (Internal & External)